Wow, whanau, we’ve been overwhelmed by the support that has emerged from the people throughout Aotearoa and the world (chur Australia!) – Below are some videos which have been made by supporters of the Movement, under their own initiative and their own direction.

We’ve also found some great interviews with Hone done at Otago University. These are just the few that we’ve found, there are dozens more (of the press conferences when we announced the Mana the Movement of the People, and more recently with the Launch of our Campaign.

So, sit back, relax and enjoy. Mauri ora!


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Envioso – Independent feat. Mistee K

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Genocide – Stand up [fight back] Mana Movement

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Mana, the Movement of the People


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Annette Sykes – Campaign Video

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The Mana Movement Song


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and the Mana Movement Tune!



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Hone on VoteChat – Otago University


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Vote Chat is a series of public interviews of politicians bought to you by the University of Otago Politics Department. In this chat Hone Harawira is interviewed by Dr Bryce Edwards in front of a public audience.

The idea is to foster a different type of political environment whereby the audience doesn’t just get the usual well-rehearsed campaigning speech from a politician.

Whanau, if you can, grab a cuppa, press play and sit back, Hone is great to listen to and if you haven’t listened to him before, don’t believe the hype, make your own decisions on whether he represents us well. We think he’s exactly what we need to take us into a future that is more representative of the needs of the poor, the voiceless, the working class.


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Hone Harawira on VoteChat – Part 2


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Hone Harawira on VoteChat – Part 3



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Hone Harawira on VoteChat – Part 4


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Hone Harawira on VoteChat – Part 5

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Waiata – Mana AGM

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Waiata (Rangatahi) – Mana AGM

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Korero with Waitakere Youth Coordinator

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Mana Party haka – Mana AGM
