Georgina Beyer to stand for MANA in Te Tai Tonga

Georgina Beyer to stand for MANA in Te Tai Tonga

Posted on July 27, 2014 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases
“It’s great to have Georgie on board” said Hone Harawira, MANA Leader and Te Tai Tokerau MP. “She’s strong-minded, stands up to be counted, and has fought for the rights of those who haven’t had any – and won. That makes her an ideal fit for MANA..”
Ms Beyer, who has links to the Te Tai Tonga electorate through her Te Ati Awa and Ngati Mutunga whakapapa, was the world’s first openly transsexual mayor and MP and helped lead law changes to decriminalise prostitution and introduce civil unions.
“Our goal this election is to raise the profile of MANA, grow our numbers in Parliament, and help change the government. Georgina’s a respected household name in politics so she’s an important part of helping achieve that goal. We feel honoured to have her.”
“I’m really excited and things are already full steam ahead for the campaign” said Ms Beyer. “My health is steady, so it’s great to have a new challenge.”
“When approached about the role, there were a few things to consider as there always are. Taking on this role is my way of making amends to Maori for voting for the foreshore and seabed bill which I was forced into and which totally broke me. I’m very proud to stand with MANA.”