MOU: Between the MANA Movement and the Internet Party
Posted on May 27, 2014 by admin in Internet Mana, NewsThe Memorandum of Understanding between the Mana Movement and the Internet Party has been released.
It covers the following:
- Registration
- Name and Logo
- Leadership, Spokespeople and Party Roles
- Government Formation
- Candidates and Party List
- Policy
- Campaign
- Term, Amendment and Termination of the Agreement
CS says:
Post Author May 29, 2014 at 12:09 amCongratulations! I have considered voting Mana but never done so before. With the bolstering on of the principled positions of The Internet Party, on an affordable non-orwellian internet with proper truly independent oversite and review of GCSB legislation and actions, you have secured my vote for one. As for these doubters who try and equate gutter journalism (eg Kim Dotcom being a Nazi because he is wealthy enough to be able to afford to collect valuable historical items, and a criminal because he started a company that shares data files) well good luck to them. Their lot will be happy with one-liners from the ‘smiling assassin’ regardless of lack of proper context or factual debate. Go – Internet Mana party!
Matt Arnold says:
Post Author May 29, 2014 at 3:17 pmComputer literacy must be embraced and nurtured. It may lead us to a utopia where before a government sells a state owned enterprise it must first secure a mandate beyond the mere fact of its election to power.
Internet voting could achieve this.
Until the poorest among us use the internet to speak as one, its voice will not heard.
To-day, Trademe lists 1063 jobs in IT but only 2 of them are in Northland.
Who will protect our taonga when the last Northlander flees to Auckland or Wellington in order to feed his children?
My congratulations to both parties. A marriage of enlightenment.
Matt Arnold says:
Post Author May 29, 2014 at 3:46 pmAmusingly, it transpires that a copy of Mein Kampf is to be found in the Parliamentary Library. By your excellent logic we may therefore conclude that each and every current member of parliament is also a Nazi.
When an eavesdropping politician informs me that if I have nothing to hide I have nothing to fear, then I immediately know which of us really does harbour dark secrets.
So from me, a special thanks to the likes of Kim Dotcom and Edward Snowden for alerting us to the serpent within.
Post Author August 3, 2014 at 12:40 pmDont believe everything you read in the right wing media Peter.
The left wing parties are only just beginning to hack back the democracy tilted over many years by the wealthy right.
The rght appear to be rattled, whch seems to give the lie to any suggestion that I.P. Mana are just a bunch of crazies of no signifigance.
Read the article by John Armstrong in the Herald he wrote after attending the Kelston leg of the Internet Mana road trip if you don’t believe me
The people will have their say soon enough . . .