Māori Party asked to come clean about what’s happening with te reo Māori
Posted on April 3, 2014 by admin in Annette Sykes, Hone Harawira, Press ReleasesIt is rumoured the government is planning to disestablish Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori, the Māori Language Commission, and Te Māngai Pāho, the Māori Broadcasting Funding Agency, and instead bring all responsibility and funding for te reo Māori under the Ministry of Māori Affairs who will contract outputs with a super agency whose leadership will be appointed by the Crown.
“We need to know if this is the case because if it is, the war on protecting our reo from government interference and abuse is back on,” said Hone Harawira, MANA Leader and MP for Te Tai Tokerau.
“We ask the Māori Party to come clean about what’s happening, and for them to commit to keeping the protection and development of our reo independent from government and in the hands of Māori where it rightfully belongs,” said Annette Sykes, MANA President .
“If this is what the government is planning, it’s a clear breach of the Treaty and all of the work that’s been done in the last 45 years to get te reo Māori recognised as a national language and be supported to grow and flourish. It’s in direct breach of the outcomes of the WAI11 Te Reo Māori claim which established Te Taura Whiri as an independent body to foster te reo Māori and watch over its progress,” said Ms Sykes.
“It wipes out 30 years of activism around our reo, and is a huge kick in the face for those who fought long and hard for these gains – and the tens of thousands of whānau who’ve slogged their guts out for decades to ensure its survival on the ground,” said Mr Harawira.
“If there was ever a time we need the Māori Party to step up and say ‘hell no’ to the government – this is it. I sincerely hope they’re not going to be brought off by the promise of a few high up jobs for their mates,” said Mr Harawira.
“This is far too important to be the subject of a backroom deal. We need answers now,” concluded Ms Sykes.
For further information please contact Jevan Goulter, (022) 088-4656.
TeRata says:
Post Author April 4, 2014 at 12:28 amI love how this is written as if there were no PUBLIC Hui or Consultation.
WE ALL KNOW That there was indeed consultation. If Mana’s membership didn’t show up to PUBLIC Hui… That is their problem…
Not the Government’s problem.
And of course this WHOLE Article IGNORES the Fact that the umbrella organisation will be made up of representatives of IWI..
More to the point.. Ina ko te Kawanatanga teera, I nga wa o mua i whakatere ai te tata MATE o te Reo….
HE AHA Te raru i enei ra, o te Kawanatanga ki te awhina te whakaora ano i te reo??
Or did we forget the Maori Broadcasting… Maori Schools etc ALL Get some Government funding…
So actually the Givernment has already played a major role in language revitalisation…
TeRata says:
Post Author April 4, 2014 at 3:29 pmHon Dr Pita Sharples
Minister of Māori Affairs
Friday 4 April 2014
Press Release
Minister responds to outrageous claims by Mana Party
The Minister of Māori Affairs Hon Dr Pita Sharples says he is concerned by the mischievous rumours being promoted by the Mana Party, who have falsely alleged that Te Taura Whiri and Te Māngai Pāho are to be disestablished.
“No decisions have yet been made about the final structure of Te Matāwai or the revised Māori language strategy, however, I want to be clear that I have no plans to disestablish Te Taura Whiri and Te Māngai Pāho,” said Dr Sharples.
“If Hone Harawira and Annette Sykes had raised the issue with me, or in fact, turned up to any of the consultation hui held around the country, I would have been happy to put them right so that they did not have to embarrass themselves by getting it wrong in the public domain.”
“I would like to thank them, however, for reminding the nation about our history of Māori language activism and revitalisation efforts. My life has been absolutely focused on supporting Māori language growth, revitalisation, and for the control of that to be led by Māori and I will never step away from that challenge.”
“The proposed new Māori language strategy is based on the need to bring tangata whenua back into a position of leadership to guide the Government’s commitment and support for te reo Māori.”
“I am currently working through refining a final proposal for the Māori Language Strategy based on feedback received through the public submissions process. No decisions have yet been made,” said Dr Sharples.
More information on the proposed plan can be found in the public consultation documents here.
Pete George says:
Post Author April 5, 2014 at 6:57 amIn light of the response by Hon Dr Pita Sharples can the ‘rumours’ be substantiated at all?
I can’t find anything in the public domain about this.
Pete George
Editor, Politicheck.org.nz