Posted on February 11, 2014 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases

“I will always support any anti-tobacco legislation” said Hone Harawira, MANA Leader and MP for Te Tai Tokerau “but insisting on tobacco being sold in plain packets while allowing Big Tobacco to sue us for doing so is just bloody bizarre!”

“It simply doesn’t make sense to approve plain packaging if the government won’t commit to removing tobacco provisions from the TPPA (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement)” said Harawira “because those provisions let tobacco companies sue the NZ government if it introduces laws, like plain packaging, which impact their profits”

“Tobacco giant Phillip Morris has already taken a case against the Australian government for introducing plain packaging” said Harawira “and National says the progression of the NZ bill depends what happens in Australia and that could take years”

“So despite the window dressing provided by this Bill, it seems its business as usual for the Nats – corporate profits ahead of the health of the people. They’ve refused to commit to protecting New Zealander’s from Big Tobacco, and have instead chosen to accept tobacco’s right to stop us making decisions that may save the lives of our people.”

“If this government is serious about the health of its own people, it will push this bill through under urgency before the election. And I’m betting they won’t”


For further information please contact Marisa Balle, (027) 525-9277