Feed the Kids bill lives to see another day (Update)

Posted on November 21, 2013 by admin in News

Kia ora koutou, ngā mihi

As you already know, MANA’s Feed the Kids Bill did not come up during the last Members Day debate as time ran out in the House that day. It was expected that it would then be first up on the schedule at the next Members Day on Wednesday 4 December.

This is now not going to happen.

Other bills will be heard before ours as they’re up for second reading and, as per the rules, they get first dibs on Members Days – pushing ours too far down the list to come up.

That means the Feed the Kids Bill won’t come up now until next year. This is good news! We need Labour to be back up to full voting strength (they’re currently one vote down until the By-Election to fill Lianne Dalziel’s Christchurch East, and assuming they win it!) and then we still need one other vote to get it to select committee.

Apparently there is a slight chance Peter Dunne may still be open to supporting it. The Bill lives to see another day!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries or need anything further on this.

Ngā mihi,


Dr Helen Potter

Senior Advisor/Researcher

MANA Movement of the People

Parliament Buildings


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