MANA to Support Protest Rally in Glen Innes Tonight
Posted on November 8, 2012 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press ReleasesMANA will be supporting a protest rally against the removal of state houses in Glen Innes TONIGHT from 7pm, 45 Apirana Avenue, Glen Innes.
Following the protest march to parliament yesterday, local GI residents and supporters will be defending the right to protest and will offer passive, non-violent resistance to the stripping of state houses from GI.
Last Thursday 13 protestors were arrested in violent scenes as police aggressively manhandled a peaceful demonstration resisting house removals. Including in those arrested was MANA Vice President John Minto.
More houses have been readied for removal tonight…
We have asked people to bring cameras to record the protest as a way to help prevent last week’s violent reaction of police. Police behaviour over the last six months has seen dozens arrested, two people hospitalised, ribs fractured, a finger deliberately munted and several ACC claims.
We hope the media takes a greater interest in the destruction of Glen Innes and the community’s resistance which has been heroic.
The best protection GI people have is a media presence to report on a significant event as well as to keep pressure on the police to behave in a more civilised manner.
For more information please contact Malcolm Mulholland on 027 765 6380
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