Mana Branches
Nga mihi nui, nga mihi aroha! If you are interested in registering a branch, please refer to this form. Otherwise please explore below to find a branch nearest your home. Mauri ora!
MANA Central Auckland
- Secretary: Marcus Coverdale, [email protected], 022 071 18011
Facebook | MANA Tāmaki Central
MANA Glen Innes
- Chairperson: AROHA ROBSON 09 575 9524
- Secretary: PHYLLIS POMARE 09 528 4739
MANA Hauraki Waikato
- Chair: Jack Maru, [email protected]
- Secretary: Attiya Samina, [email protected]
- Treasurer: Georgi Marchioni-Job, [email protected].
nz - Website:
Facebook | MANA Hauraki Waikato
Mana Kawerau
- Chair: Helen Savage, [email protected], 0221264062
- Secretary: Attiya Andrew, [email protected], 0220265843
MANA Kaikohe, Central Northland
- Chair: Raumati Para, [email protected], 09 405 3362
- Secretary: Ketana Saxon, [email protected], 09 405 5380
Facebook | Mana Kaikohe Mid North Branch
MANA ki a Maia Mangere, South Auckland
- Chair: Nicola Owen, [email protected], 021 035 8513
- Secretary: Joe Trinder, [email protected], 021 022 07194
Facebook | Mana Mangere Branch
MANA Manawatu
- Chairperson: Peter Wheeler, [email protected], 06 359 2030, 021 0258 7519
- Treasurer: Danny Karatea-Goggard, [email protected], 021 509 431
MANA Manurewa, South Auckland
- Chair: Ryan Monga, [email protected], 027 485 4458
- Secretary: Michelle Neho, [email protected], 021 078 2676
Facebook | Mana South Auckland Branch
MANA Newtown, Wellington
- Chair: Ariana Paretutanganui-Tamati [email protected]
- Secretary: Warwick Taylor 0221758362 or 04 934 4626
- Treasurer: Melanie Sweet [email protected]
MANA Opotiki
- Chair: George Hata, [email protected]
- Vice-Chair: Joe Kahile
MANA Oruawharo, Wellsford Central Northland
- Chair: Jesse Pene, [email protected]
- Secretary: Rita Connelly, [email protected], 022 103 6683
MANA Otara South Auckland
- Chair: Ian Heihei, 027 259 7102
- Secretary: Mereana Peka, [email protected], 021 025 96463
MANA Papakura
- Chairman: Jayson Wharepapa, [email protected], 021 0235 2698
MANA Poneke
- Chair: Iris Pahau, [email protected]
- Secretary: Roimata Tauroa, [email protected]
MANA ki Rangitikei
- Chair: Hape Lomax, [email protected], 063880753
- Secretary: Mahia Bennett, [email protected], 022 028 7594
MANA Rotorua
- Secretary: Janet Taiatini, [email protected]
MANA St John Hill, Whanganui
- Chair: Kimiora Hancy, TBC
- Secretary: Rachael O’Halloran, TBC
MANA Te Hiku, Kaitaia
- Chair: Leeann Popata, [email protected], 021 071 0629
- Secretary: TBC
MANA Te Rakipaewhenua, North Shore Auckland
- Chair: Michael Kyriazopoulos, [email protected], 021 288 5601
- Secretary: Shirley Hakaraia, 027 210 0113
MANA Tokoroa
- Chair: Andrew Paul, [email protected], 07 929 9139
- Secretary: Michelle McIlroy, [email protected], 027 200 0123
- Website:
MANA Waitakere, West Auckland
- Chair: Stacey Kerapa, [email protected], 021 891 075
- Secretary: Dear Kingi, [email protected], 021 255 9015
MANA Whangarei, Central Northland
- Chair: Kere Peihopa
- Secretary: Elizabeth Riini-Ejiofor, 021 081 11142
Tauranga Moana
- Chair: Shae Hartley, 022 121 7082
- Secretary: Wikitoria Nuku, 022 041 5842, 07 578 7379
- Email: [email protected]
MANA Otepoti
- Chair: Taneroa Paratene; 0221558212; [email protected]
- Treasurer: Jen Wilson; [email protected]
- Secretary: Olive McRae; [email protected]; Ph: 027 257 9218