Mana Campaign Launch Invitation
Posted on November 2, 2011 by admin in Election 2011, Press ReleasesMANA would like to invite you and others who may like to attend to the party’s campaign launch on Saturday.
This will be an opportunity to hear a number of keynote speeches by party spokespeople who will be outlining MANA’s policies for Aotearoa, including leader Hone Harawira.
There will an opportunity to ask question at a media conference being held in conjunction with the launch and the various keynote speakers will be available for interview.
Most MANA candidates will be in attendance and after the formal part of the event there will an opportunity for you to meet them and assess for yourself the strong mix of candidates MANA is fielding in the coming general election.
- Date: Saturday 5 November 2011
- Venue: Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Piripono – 52 Alexandra Crescent – Otara
- Schedule: Powhiri 10.30am
- Launch 12-1 noon – Keynote speakers
- Media Conference- 1.15 pm
- Public event with entertainment
Gordon Tamatea says:
Post Author November 10, 2013 at 8:01 pmKia ora Hone, I was wondering if it is at all possible to get together with yourself for a chat about this vision I have. I’m sure that once you’ve heard what I have to say, you’ll see that what I have to share with you is the new vision. we as a society are waiting on, I know, I don’t beleave it myself. So yea lets chat. I await your reply and look forward to meeting you.
WMK001 says:
Post Author October 2, 2014 at 11:05 pmTena koe Hone,
Re-group, re-focus & return!
Chose your medium wisely in the broadcasting space.
You have a message of mana and independence that is needed for now and the future.
it can be from a platform in parliament or from outside it over the next 3 years.
Happy to korero.
Bill K