$1000 Xmas bonus for the poor
Posted on November 3, 2011 by MANA in Press ReleasesMANA leader Hone Harawira says MANA would take tax cuts back from the country’s 10 % of richest people and give the money to the poor and needy as a $1000 Xmas.
Mr Harawira says giving everyone over 15 who earns $30,000 or less would cost $1.6 Million exactly the amount the government gave to the richest 10% in the budget as tax cuts.
He says it’s not radical or new.
“In 2008 Australia gave low and middle income families a Christmas bonus of $1,000 per child; single pensioners got a $1400 payment, and pensioner couples $2100, And in 1972, the Norman Kirk Labour government in New Zealand gave a Christmas bonus of an extra benefit payment to all beneficiaries.”
Mr Harawira says giving money to the poor is a much more effective means to stimulate the economy than tax cuts to the rich because they spend the money in New Zealand whereas the rich are likely to spend it overseas.
“There’s little doubt many New Zealanders are really struggling and need help right now while the rich quite frankly don’t.
“Last week’s Statistics NZ survey found that 50% of New Zealanders are finding it difficult to pay for basics while welfare organizations such as food banks are finding unprecedented demand.”
- Hone Harawira 021865372
Graham says:
Post Author November 11, 2011 at 1:01 pmLets promote this Mana supporters to our constituents in need.