East Coast – Valentine Tureia Irwin
Posted on October 16, 2011 by admin in Mana Candidate ProfilesValentine Tureia Irwin
Tribal Affiliations
- Ngaati Rakaipaaka of Nuhaka, Ngaati Kahungunu ki Wairoa
- Ngaati Taawhaki o Ngaai Tuhoe , Waimana, Ruatoki ( Ngaahina , ) Ruatahuna me hoki Waikaremoana ( Waimako )
- Rongowhakaata, Aitanga a Mahaki me hoki Whakatohea o Opotiki
Educational Background
- Wairoa Primary
- Wairoa, Northcote and Avondale Colleges
- Auckland Teachers College ( Diploma of Teaching )
- Auckland Education Board ( Trained Teachers Certificate)
- University of Auckland, Massey and Canterbury ( Bachelor of Arts )
- University of Waikato ( Post graduate diploma of Sports and Leisure
Employment History
I am a trained teacher and certificated graduate from the Auckland education board in the year 1972, and completed my first degree in 1996 from the University of Canterbury and my post graduate diploma from the University of Waikato in 2004.
I have taught in the following schools, Kowhai Intermediate, Manurewa Intermediate, Homai primary school, Manurewa High school, Mangere College, Aiwo primary school, Nauru secondary school, Mangere college again and then from there to Whangamata Area school.
My tertiary career began at the Christchurch, College of education, teaching a paper for the University of Canterbury in speech and language therapy for seven years. After stints at the Dunedin college of education, the university of Otago, Dunedin’s correction unit, and Nga toko Amo, a private school for unsettled teens, then saw me contracted as a consultant for Physical Education New Zealand in the realm of games and play Maori.
I toured the country for three and a half years running workshops and developing courses for professionals in school, tertiary institutions, DHB’s , some early childhood associations, and for some city councils. I finally took a break and headed back to Hawke’s Bay where I eventually ended up in Te Wananga o Aotearoa as a teacher of te ara reo maori and as a lecturer in their Bachelor of Teaching ( primary ) programme.
My final contract in teaching was a Head of Department of Health and Physical education at Wairoa College. I have spent the last two years in corrective surgery and rehabilitation, and am still to complete a physiotherapy course of exercise and orthotics.
Mike Dagiaro says:
Post Author September 9, 2012 at 7:53 pmHi there Val Irwin i have been looking for you and your family for almost 30 years
i dont know if this is the right place to communicate but doesn’t matter as long as you get my message if you do please i’m on facebook send me a message so we can chat i would really love to know how you guys been doing all these years I saw photos of Francesca Terewai and Margaret but except for Jnr where is he or is he using other names anyway please contact me buy for now Mike from Rockhampton Nauru
clive caine says:
Post Author July 25, 2014 at 5:57 pmHi Val- long time- sorry to hear of your dear mum passing- she worked with me at Wairoa College with the learning support students- I was HOD Special Needs there in the late eighties….I will always remember her a s a loving and caring person to me and her students- I used to teach with you in 72 at Kowhai Int…the good old days- and I remember we all walked with the kids to go and watch the movie you were in.. I am still teaching here at Waiuku College now….Kia Ora my friend- my email is [email protected]….love to hear from you… Clive Caine