The Maori Party’s Mana-Enhancing Relationship with National – Minto
Posted on September 3, 2014 by admin in John Minto, Press Releases“First we had Cameron Slater and David Farrar backing Labour’s Kelvin Davis bid to unseat MANA Movement Leader and MP for Te Tai Tokerau Hone Harawira. Now we have Slater writing a pro-Te Ururoa Flavell article on his website, Whale Oil” remarks MANA Movement Candidate John Minto. “
As Slater articulates in his post, the Maori Party could very well remain in coalition with the National Party. Yet the vast majority of Maori voters want to see a change in government; their best bet is to vote for the MANA Movement, not the Maori Party”.
“What I can’t understand is the Maori Party repetitively saying that they have a ‘mana-enhancing’ relationship with the National Party. Why would they continue to stand by those comments with the daily drip feed of damming emails and posts that suggest corruption could be the predominant culture within the ninth floor of the Beehive?
Dirty Politics is now starting to taint not just National but their coalition partners that include the Maori Party. Maori voters are sick and tired of this election campaign being dominated with scandal after scandal”.
“My question is plain and simple to the Maori Party. Are they prepared to walk from their mana-enhancing relationship with this National-led Government given the revelations of Dirty Politics? Are they prepared to take a principled-stand, call it a day, and no longer be part of a Government that has done nothing about poverty or inequality?
Given the latest disgrace involving a Facebook exchange between former Justice Minister Judith Collins and Cameron Slater whereby they discuss accessing and releasing video related to the Tuhoe Raids that would paint those arrested in an unfavourable light, the Maori Party must walk from National. The issue of the Tuhoe Raids has been a hotbed of debate within Waiariki, and if the Maori Party is not prepared to leave National then the integrity and principles of the Maori Party are being seriously called into question”.
“The Maori Party owes it to their supporters to walk now and take a principled stand over Dirty Politics. Anything less will be seen for what it is by the voters”.
Raiha Marsden says:
Post Author September 3, 2014 at 11:46 amMr Flavell’s insistence ‘You have 2 have a voice at the table to make a change’, is ignorant and foolish. Make a change Te Ururoa; you of all people need to look at this based on the current political climate. Our people have known for ages your coalition partner (Gnats) have being doing us ova. The proof is in Hagers book and all the leaks still coming out. And don’t quote the ‘whanau-ora’ policy as an excuse 2 keep you’s in gov; You’s wouldn’t have needed 2 introduce it, if Gnats were looking after NZ citizens. I believe your genuine in your caring 4 our people, but publically state (b4 its 2 late) that you refuse 2 work with the Gnats b4 the election…like…’yesterday’.
Steve says:
Post Author September 5, 2014 at 1:39 pmActually Mr Flavell is right. Even if nothing has been achieved for Maori under the last government ( I would dispute this by the way) it is still better than the massive step backwards that would have happened if they didn’t have a voice from opposition. It would be foolish to think that the dirty politics saga is only a National problem, why do you think there is only half hearted calls from the other parties to investigate properly.
If you think the Maori party sold out to National, what do you think of Hone selling your vote to a Mega rich white guy so that he might get enough votes to buy enough political influence to stay out of an American jail. At least the Maori party had their heart in the right place. Hone let his hate of John Key cloud his judgement and he gave up his principles for cash. Now he finds him self having no say or control over his own party. Hone forgot the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules and so now he is Dotcoms bitch.
I am curious as to how that is going to progress the cause for Maori.
kathleen says:
Post Author September 12, 2014 at 10:19 pmprogress for maori is not about rich bitching, hating john key or Te Ururoa flavell. Maori are most hospitable and at their very best when working together to make other peoples lives better than their own and often to their own detriment. Poverty in this country is not so much that we have no money, food or shelter,but poverty is going without the care, hospitality ,kindness and love for people and their interesting characters. I believe Hone Harawira when he said that it took a seventeen year old to make him realize that to lose him meant to lose other young people. Kim has come out from under the rule of john banks and john key who escape jail terms in the “NICK OF TIME” pardon the pun.
busby noble says:
Post Author September 3, 2014 at 12:12 pmcorrectly so, today is official voting. raise our people prestige humility truth and do right mr flavell. dont delay cos’ the slide rule now applies.
John Rothery says:
Post Author September 3, 2014 at 5:22 pmThe choice is quite simple.
Do you want to change the government?