Ae Marika 10 June 2014

Posted on June 10, 2014 by admin in Ae Marika

Last week I chaired the Tai Tokerau Kohanga Reo review held at Tumatauenga Marae in Otiria and attended by representatives of the 10 districts from around the north.

The meeting had been called to respond to options for a new governance structure for the National Kohanga Reo Trust, presented at a hui held at Turangawaewae a couple of months ago, to seek a way forward following months of public dismay at the way in which Kohanga’s business had been managed.

Three of the four new governance options involved some trustees chosen by Kohanga and others elected via an Electoral College and a representative of the Maori King (who is the patron of the Kohanga Reo Movement). The fourth option was based on reps chosen from the 10 regions from around the country.

There was unanimous support for Kohanga to remain independent of government control and a call for formal legislation to be put in place to safeguard that independence.

There was also general support for a structure which included broad representation from the 10 Kohanga regions, but the final decision was to not recommend any changes to the current Board structure until after the report of the Independent Adviser­­­­­­ was made public.

That report is likely to be critical to the future of Kohanga because it came off the back of a 2012 Waitangi Tribunal ruling that government had failed to support Kohanga Reo’s Maori language strategy. The report was to consider an urgent programme to overhaul policy, increase participation, improve quality, increase funding and provide the support necessary for upgrade and maintenance of Kohanga facilities.

And while Kohanga clearly has problems, they also have a future based on broad support from whanau naitonwide, which can’t be said about John Banks, ex-National party MP, ex Minister of Police, ex-mayor of Auckland, and ex-leader of the ACT party, who added to his resume by becoming the ex-ACT MP for Epsom at 5pm on Sunday 7 June 2014.

Banks’ latest and final fall from grace came after he was found guilty last Friday in the Auckland High Court of electoral fraud for accepting massive political donations from Kim Dotcom and others for his failed mayoral campaign of 2010 and calling them ‘anonymous’.

The case only got to court because a Graham McCready took a private prosecution against Banks for electoral fraud after the NZ Police decided they didn’t have enough evidence to prosecute – which says a lot about how our cops treat rich white guys.

John Banks was the National party MP for Whangarei for about 20 years last century. During his time he was a Minister of Police and routinely made nasty, vicious and deeply racist comments about Maori and Pacific Islanders. He also hosted a talkback show on Radio Pacific while he was a Minister, during which he and the current mayor of the Far North District Council, John Carter, used to hold a “conversation” with Carter impersonating a Maori on the dole – again, a nasty piece of racist broadcasting featuring two National Party politicians, one of whom was masquerading as our Minister of Police.

We can all forgive but some things are difficult to forget … and life goes on …

AE MARIKA is an article written every week by Hone Harawira, leader of the MANA Movement and Member of Parliament for Te Tai Tokerau. You are welcome to use any of the comments and to ascribe them to Mr Harawira. The full range of Hone’s articles can be found on the MANA website at