No to National or no Deal with Mana – Harawira
Posted on March 26, 2014 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases“Dotcom would have to commit to getting rid of National and changing the government before MANA would consider any deal with his Internet Party” said MANA Leader Hone Harawira.
“That’s a bottom line for MANA. I resigned from the Maori Party because their relationship with National was, and continues to be, destructive to Maori. We won’t be going back there for anyone”
MANA will work co-operatively with any party, as we do with the Greens and Labour, that is committed to changing the government we’ve got now” said Harawira “”And I don’t think the Internet Party is ready to take that stand at the moment”
“They don’t have a real membership base, clear policies, recognisable political leaders or any candidates.”
“We were happy to talk about the potential for co-operation, but time is short” said Harawira. “We’ve got an election coming up and campaigns to organise, especially in the Maori Seats. Asking the membership to put all that on hold while we wait for the Internet Party to decide what they stand for is just not an option”.
“Our Executive has decided that there won’t be any more meetings on possible co-operation until their intentions are clear” said Harawira “and we’re just going to get on with planning our electorate and party vote campaigns.”
“If the Internet Party commits to getting rid of National, announcing policies similar to MANA’s, and getting candidates and leaders that can be trusted to implement them, then we can talk.
“They know how to get in touch with us”
For further information please contact Jevan Goulter (022) 088 5646
Paul Alexander says:
Post Author April 1, 2014 at 10:00 pmAh hone, once you have sold your soul to the devil, no treaty of waitangi claim is going to get it back from you!