2 points you should note regarding John Key’s attack on Hone Harawira

Posted on January 29, 2014 by admin in News

John Key has been attacking Hone Harawira for being away from parliament so often. There are two points that need to be made about this:

1. Key takes every opportunity to attack Hone and Mana (as does the NZ Herald) because National wants the Maori Party to survive this coming election and therefore help keep National in power. The best way for them to support the Maori Party is to attack and undermine Mana because the Maori Party is in for a hiding after supporting National for six years.

2. The more time Hone spends outside parliament the better. Mana is a campaigning movement – our ability to drive radical change the country so desperately needs depends on mobilising people and issues because political power rests in communities – not parliament.