Posted on November 12, 2013 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases

To coincide with the first reading of the Feed the Kids Bill, MANA will be hosting a breakfast at Parliament with a local school who is fully behind the need for government to fund breakfast and lunch at all decile 1-2 schools.

MANA Party Leader Hone Harawira says he’s hopeful that the schools support will remind his fellow MPs there are real kids on the receiving end of high unemployment, the high cost of living, and persistently low wages.

“Another near 4000 workers lost their jobs last week. The impacts of such phenomenal job losses for our kids is seriously incomprehensible. This bill needs to be supported to select committee so there can at least be an open debate about the

The Bill is already being supported by numerous organisations who have worked for decades towards enhancing the well-being of children. MANA is proud to support the work these groups have already achieved and say that the Feed the Kids Bill will compliment the existing programs by ensuring ALL 100,000 kids that go to school hungry will get fed.

“Presently, only some of our kids get fed just some of the time. Whilst it’s great that the government acknowledges the issue is real, there are obvious limitations on what they will do. We need all of our kids fed all of the time. Under the current programs, about a quarter of our hungry kids are getting fed. This just isn’t good enough.”

The event will be held on Wednesday 13 November and begin at 8.30am at the steps of Parliament. Breakfast will be held in the Loaves and Fishes Hall at 8.50am, followed by a tour of Parliament for the children at 9.45am.

For all media enquiries contact Marisa Balle on 027 525 9277