Feed the Kids Bill – delayed until Weds 4 Dec
Posted on November 14, 2013 by admin in Feed the KidsThe Feed the Kids Bill did not come up last night after all – it was next up on the parliamentary agenda but time ran out.
Many thanks to those who showed up anyway! It will definitely come up next Members Day which is scheduled for Weds 4 Dec. I’ll be back in touch about timing closer to the date … the Bill still lives to see another day!
Mary Smith says:
Post Author November 14, 2013 at 3:58 pmI was once against the policy of the Feed the Kids Bill because I saw things in my own personal experience to know about members of my own whanau and neglect and abuse when the whanau get paid money that is squandered.
To me because of my own experience is that I believed that matua of our tamariki and mokopuna should be held accountable and taken in the right direction.
The government will do nothing because they do not want to see change because as long as they have places like WINZ, CYFs, Police, Hospital, Schools then they are up there and satisfied of getting paid.
Government is Police, CYFs, Schools, etc and a lot of people working in these places are cruel vicious and sick who do not care and maori who are happy will do nothing
Kristina Andersen says:
Post Author November 16, 2013 at 2:33 pmChildren should not have to suffer MORE THAN THEY ALREADY DO because of the poor choices of their parents. Let me speak from experience. The world can be a hard, scary and lonely place for children who lack a healthy, functioning environment in which to live and grow. The last thing disadvantaged kids need to endure is that gnawing in their stomach pits … hunger pangs … just to find nothing in the cupboard or fridge to satisfy this MOST BASIC OF HUMAN NEEDS. At the end of the day, we have in this bountiful country, children who are frequently hungry. Laying blame does not solve the problem. It only serves to further degrade and humiliate the disadvantaged child, making him/her feel ‘less than’ and ‘a burden’. That this Government should bicker, argue and debate about The Feed the Kids Bill and the monetary outlay involved in supporting it is a very timely reminder of what is more important? Maybe ‘when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money’.