MANA President responds to Minister’s petty name calling

Posted on March 22, 2013 by admin in Annette Sykes, Press Releases

“While the Minister of Justice tries to distract herself by calling me petty names, I want to hear from her about my request for an investigation into the appointment of a person who has failed to meet all of the legally required criteria for a top job”, said MANA President Annette Sykes. “Stop shooting the messenger and deal with the message.”

Yesterday Ms Sykes raised concerns over the appointment of Dame Susan Devoy as the Race Relations Commissioner and called for her termination.

“Is it that Judith Collins has merely appointed a mate into a $270,000 plus a year job – and stuff the actual requirements? Or is it that she wants someone in the Race Relations role that will mirror her own racist view of the world and undermine the Treaty of Waitangi as a result?”

“Whatever the reason, I want the practice of making political appointments to top jobs that are meant to be independent to stop.”

“I’m very committed to getting to the bottom of this. Roles like the Race Relations Commissioner have been hard fought for and are too important to become a mockery and a sham.”