Native Affairs poll puts Harawira on top – Sykes
Posted on November 6, 2012 by admin in Annette Sykes, Press Releases“Last night’s Native Affairs poll confirms what most people think anyway” said MANA President Annette Sykes.
“That Hone Harawira is the only politician fighting for Maori rights”.
Hone was a little shy about the results (Harawira got 32%, Sharples 16%, Turia 12% and Turei 8%) but it was a clear-cut victory for him and for MANA” said Sykes. “Hone first, daylight second”.
“Te Ururoa Flavell’s claim that Hone’s result was less than his, Turia’s and Sharples combined, was an extraordinary admission of how far theMaori Party has fallen” said Ms Sykes. “Turia and Sharples are Ministers of the Crown with millions of dollars to give away. Their showing was very poor and Te Ururoa didn’t even figure”.
“The Maori Party is clearly in crisis – in coalition with a party that has driven the greatest collapse in social statistics for Maori for the past 20 years and now expressing uncertainty about who they are and who they represent. This latest poll confirms just how badly the Maori Party is doing in the eyes of its own people”.
“Hone’s actions, his statements, his strengths and more importantly his integrity are out there for all to see. Clearly what he is doing, and what MANA is doing, is resonating powerfully in the hearts and minds of Maori people”.
For more information please contact Malcolm Mulholland on 027 765 6380.
awhi says:
Post Author November 6, 2012 at 11:36 pmyeah…i knew he would prevaile if he stands for wat he beleives in…keep it up harawira
Bily Mckee says:
Post Author November 7, 2012 at 8:22 pmI am not at all surprised at the support that Hone got as I am impressed with his integrity and most of his speeches.
I am a bit concerned that the Maori party members got so many votes.
It appears people are voting out of loyalty instead of based on actions and the results of those actions most importantly.
Hone and Mana deserves more support for their common sense policies.