Harawira arrested at peaceful protest
Posted on October 12, 2012 by admin in John Minto, Press ReleasesMANA Leader and MP for Te Tai Tokerau Hone Harawira has been arrested at a peaceful protest at Glen Innes.
At approximately 11.30 pm on Thursday the 11th of October, members of the New Zealand Police smashed the back window of a vehicle that Harawira had parked over the driveway of a state house that was being removed. Harawira was removed from the vehicle and is being detained in a paddy wagon along with seven other protestors. There were approximately 40 protestors and the same number of police.
“Hone was simply exercising his human right to take part in a peaceful protest” states fellow protestor and MANA Vice President John Minto. “He was deeply moved when he witnessed three young women being arrested from the roof of the state house being removed”.
“Hone has been involved for some time standing alongside a community that is against the government acting on behalf of private developers that want to rip the heart out of their community. The Minister of Housing, Phil Heatley, needs to realise that this community will not take their homes being forcibly removed for profit, lying down. The situation continues to escalate as more and more people join the call to stop a government that is dancing to the tune of greedy property developers. The government is simply adding stress to the lives of people who are already struggling to make ends meet”.
“Hone and the other protestors are heroes tonight. They have laid their bodies on the line against the might of the government who are determined to evict people from their homes”.
“Shame on this government for yet again picking on the poor”.
Leith Cameron says:
Post Author October 12, 2012 at 7:44 amAll power to Hone and the brave protesters. Thank you to them for attempting to stop this government in its relentless pursuit of individual wealth at the expense of everyone else in Aotearoa/NZ, particularly the poor.
isha minhinnick says:
Post Author October 12, 2012 at 9:10 amSleeesh poakaz these days aye oink oink do yah job properly aye stop picking on the MAORI people grr
Maxy says:
Post Author October 16, 2012 at 3:30 pmThat is the one Hone Harawira I totally toutoko who you stand for! And that is us the Community of Glen Innes. “Get up Stand up, stand up for your right” Get up stand up don’t give up the fight!