Plain packaging a win in the fight against Big Tobacco in Australia

Posted on August 16, 2012 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases


“Australia didn’t do too well at the Olympics, but they get a Gold Medal for beating the tobacco giants in the plain-packaging debate” said MANA leader Hone Harawira.

Harawira was referring to an Australian High Court ruling upholding their government’s decision to have cigarettes sold in plain packets, devoid of all company logos and advertising. Cigarette packets would instead be covered with grim photos and graphic warnings about the dangers of smoking.

“That makes them the first in the world” said Harawira “and I’ll be glad if we get the silver”.

Harawira was a member of the Maori Affairs Select Committee Inquiry which produced a comprehensive report recommending plain packaging as one of a raft of measures towards Aotearoa becoming Smokefree by 2025.

“Tariana (Associate Minister of Health Tariana Turia) has been really strong in the fight against tobacco and I will support her efforts to now have plain packaging introduced in New Zealand”.