Ae Marika! 28 August 2012
Posted on August 28, 2012 by admin in Ae MarikaLast week I spoke in the house about the 3 soldiers killed overseas. This is what I said –
“Today people prepare for the return of their loved ones from Afghanistan. Today we mourn those who have died and we share in the grief of their whanau and their communities. And today we ask questions about why they died and whether or not there was anything we could have done to keep them from dying; questions that some of the families of those still in Afghanistan want answered, like …
When the Prime Minister talks about the need to “restore security” is it because he has accepted that security is deteriorating in Afghanistan?
Is deteriorating security the reason why the Hungarians won’t patrol at night, and is that why NZ troops are taking on a greater role there?
Does government accept that the deteriorating security status in Bamiyan and across the country, mean that NZ need not commit itself to an American timetable of departure, and that we are entirely within our rights as a sovereign nation to ensure the safety and security of our own troops by withdrawing them from front line action?
When the Minister of Defence confirmed the reports that the Taleban are now specifically targeting NZ troops, why was he unable to say what extra security was being provided for those troops?
Can somebody tell mothers and fathers at home why the government has cut back on the resources for our remaining troops when they are under greater attack now than they have ever been?
Can the government tell us why the SAS has been withdrawn at a time when their support is most required by our own troops on the ground?
If government wants to reduce the funding, resourcing and support for our troops on the ground, then they need to either increase the security for our forces until they can be brought home, or bring them home now.”
On Saturday I attended the memorial service for the 3 soldiers who had been killed in Afghanistan. On Sunday I said farewell to the family of Corporal Luke Tamatea at Rotorua Airport before they left for Kawerau. Today I hope to attend the tangi for Private Richard Harris in Rahiri.
As we mourn the loss of our soldiers, I think it is also right that we ask the questions that may help protect their comrades who remain in harm’s way.
No reira e nga mate, haere, haere, oti atu e …
On a brighter note, I also saw our gold medal girl Lisa Carrington in Rotorua. She’s a fine looking young woman with a wonderful smile but she’s also very petite, not big at all. Muscles probably matter but talent, hard work and determination clearly matter more. Oh yeah, and on behalf of us all I told her she was “bloody awesome and a great role model” as well.
AE MARIKA is an article written every week by Hone Harawira, leader of the MANA Movement and Member of Parliament for Te Tai Tokerau. You are welcome to use any of the comments and to ascribe them to Mr Harawira. The full range of Hone’s articles can be found on the MANA website at
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