MOM’s Already in Trouble
Posted on June 27, 2012 by admin in Hone Harawira, News, Press Releases“The Mixed Ownership Model Act isn’t even one day old, and already government’s plan to privatise state assets is in trouble” says MANA Leader Hone Harawira on hearing that the Supreme Court had ruled that the Crown does not own the Waikato River Bed and therefore cannot claim title to the river.
“It’s just a pity that the late John Paki, who took this case all the way to the Supreme Court, did not live long enough to see his case won”.
Today’s decision at the Supreme Court comes after Maori lost the case at the High Court in 2008 and the Court of Appeal in 2009.
“Yesterday I congratulated Ngati Tuwharetoa and the New Zealand Maori Council for taking the Crown to court over Maori rights to water” said Harawira. “Today I urge all other iwi to follow their lead and challenge this government’s arrogant assumption that they own this precious resource and the rights that come with that ownership”.
“Maori success is in the best interests of everyone opposed to asset sales. I look forward to New Zealanders coming in behind the Maori claims to ensure these assets are kept forever in New Zealand hands”.
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