Justice for Nga Potiki

Posted on June 13, 2012 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases

It’s taken a while – 37 years to be exact – but it’s never too late to dump land-grabbing laws” said MANA leader Hone Harawira of the bill to repeal the 1975 Mount Maunganui Borough Reclamation and Empowering Act.

“My congratulations to all those from Ngā Pōtiki who marched against the passage of the original bill back in 1975” said Harawira “and to all their descendants who have worked diligently to get rid of it ever since”.

A bill to have the Act repealed is being debated for the first time in Parliament today.

“To those from the Tauranga City Council who have worked with Ngā Pōtiki and Te Ururoa Flavell to bring this bill to Parliament, I say well done”.


For more information please contact Malcolm Mulholland on 027 765 6380