Workers WIN – again!

Posted on May 22, 2012 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases

“Bloody great news” said MANA leader Hone Harawira when told that the AFFCO dispute had been settled.

“Great because the workers were able to win on the three main points – seniority, security of pay rates, and the right of workers to belong to the union”.

“I’ve already congratulated Sonny Tau (Chairman of Ngapuhi) for his efforts and I extend those thanks to the rest of the iwi leadership team, and my thanks to Labour, the Greens, the Maori Party and NZ First for their help as well.”

“Congratulations to Mike Nahu from the Meat Workers Union and Helen Kelly from the CTU for their leadership and a big thanks to all the other unions for their public support over the past few months”.

“Every bit helps and I know the workers have really appreciated the support”.

“But this isn’t just about the big names – this is also about the help from all the little people”.

“It takes a lot to keep an operation like this going for 80 days and so I also want to thank all those people who gave food and clothing and money over the past 80 days to help keep the workers and their families strong during the dispute, all those who tooted when they drove past the pickets, and everyone who got out and stood alongside the workers on the picket line, beside the families back in their kitchens, and helped out the kids at school as well.”

“And I gotta say too, a big ups to the MANA crews for their active support ever since this issue first hit the headlines. We may not be a big party but we got a pretty committed crew and I’ve been proud to be able to travel the country and see MANA activists on every picket line, helping out with the food drops and the leafleting and the marches as well”.

“This dispute, and the one up at the Ports of Auckland, has been really important for workers right across the country because in both cases the employers were simply wanting to smash the solidarity and the strength of the unions whose primary focus has been the protection of working conditions, safety standards and pay rates for the workforce”.

“But this ain’t over yet – not by a long shot. National has already signalled that they intend passing legislation letting employers walk away from the negotiating table and fining workers for daring to strike. So there’s a long way to go”.

“But to all those workers who have held the line – thank you and enjoy. You have won the battle and you were right to fight”.

“And if you need us again, just say the word, and we’ll be there”.


For further information please contact Malcolm Mulholland on 027 765 6380

The following is an article written by Hone Harawira that was released this morning:

Big ups to Sonny Tau, Chairman of Te Runanga o Ngapuhi, for his strong voice on behalf of the workers at Talley / AFFCO Meat Works. I know things are a bit tense at the moment with Talley’s and the Union in court right now, and I don’t want to get into any details here, but I think it’s important for people to know this.

Some weeks back, Sonny, who used to be a delegate at the old Moerewa Freezing Works, marched with the workers through Moerewa. Us Ngapuhi expect that sort of thing from our leaders, but it’s a big deal when the chairman of the biggest tribe in the country steps out for his people like that.

Then he followed that up with a note that said (1) Talley’s have got a lot of Maori in their sheds all round the country and (2) Talley’s draw a lot of their stock from Maori farms, so (3) perhaps Talley’s oughta be a little bit nicer to their Maori workers.

Then last week, I ran into Sonny who was off to a meeting with some other iwi leaders where they hoped to present their case to the Talley’s. Now I didn’t go to the meeting … but from all accounts Sonny was very, very strong on behalf of the workers, particularly those at his hometown works up in Moerewa where he knows directly the hurt that a lot of the families are going through right now. I’m not sure whether his efforts will pay off but I laughed when I heard that Sonny reverted back to his old union days and nearly climbed over the table to whack one of the Talley people!

So thanks Son. I know you ain’t everybody’s cup of tea around the north, but I also know it takes a lot of guts to put your tribal credentials on the line for your people and regardless of the outcome, it’s good to know that you haven’t been afraid to show strength and leadership when it was needed.