Landline Polls Must Go
Posted on November 14, 2011 by admin in Election 2011, Hone Harawira, Press ReleasesLeader of MANA Hone Harawira
Leader of MANA, Hone Harawira, urges voters not to be fooled by phoney
landline polls that create a false impression about which candidate is
in front and which one is behind. He comments “Today’s poll released
by Te Karere proves polls that rely on landlines are a thing of the
past. It has long been known that cellphones outstripped landlines as
a method of communication five years ago for Maori. It’s about time
polling companies caught up with modern day reality instead of
rehashing flawed methodologies that do not reflect accurately what is
happening on the ground. Polling companies and media networks need to
be held to account. Instead of having minor margins of error, they
should tell the truth when it comes to the Maori seats – the margin of
error is give or take 20%”.
“We know that Annette Sykes has done remarkably well to narrow the
margin between herself and Te Ururoa Flavell. People should remember
she began at 0% and iPredict, the country’s most reliable forecaster
of election results, has seen Annette’s vote grow by 10% each week.
At present she trails Te Ururoa by the small margin of 10%. That
means, based on the current trend, that she will win the election by
10%. That’s what we are hearing on the streets. Her remaining vote
will come from a collapsing Labour vote. The national trend with the
party vote is that Labour is in a downhill spiral from 30% to a
possible 20%. Voters are awakening to the ability of MANA candidates,
including Annette Sykes, to vehemently oppose National and the Maori
Party plans to introduce policies that will hurt the poor. Left
voters are being faced with two choices; put their faith with an
imploding Labour Party or back MANA whose candidates have a long
history of opposing right wing agendas”.
“Cyclone Sykes is gaining pace heading into the election. The
momentum is with her and I ask Maori from Waiariki to think about who
will be best at stopping National in Parliament. Most voters are coming to the realisation that it is Te Ururoa, not Annette, who supports National”.
- For further information please contact Hone Harawira on 021 865372
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