Hone Harawira and Annette Sykes say Keep Kawerau Intermediate Open

Posted on November 14, 2011 by admin in Annette Sykes, Hone Harawira, Press Releases

MANA is extremely disappointed with the decision made by National and the Maori Party not to invest in our children’s education. MANA remains committed to fighting the sad closure of Kawerau Intermediate. MANA will support the community and will strongly oppose the Government’s decision in Parliament

MANA Leader Hone Harawira comments “The Maori Party has refused to walk away from National’s decision to close Kawerau Intermediate and I suspect this is the reason why Te Ururoa Flavell will not front the Kawerau community. I saw firsthand the passion the people of Kawerau hold for their intermediate and heard their cries for help when they marched to Parliament this year”.

MANA candidate for Waiariki, Annette Sykes, who was born and raised in Kawerau, states “After visiting Kawerau with Hone, MANA supports 100% the wishes of the community to maintain a separate primary, intermediate and secondary school in the area. Despite overwhelming support from the community to keep Kawerau Intermediate as a specialist school, National and the Maori Party are hiding behind the all too familiar process of ‘consultation’ to ignore the wishes of Kawerau. Already the community, whanau, parents, teachers and children are being divided by the decision. The answer is simple; listen to what the community wants and let the community stand united. The Kawerau Intermediate’s motto is ‘He Iwi Kotahi Tatou: We Stand as One, Now is the Time’. Mana stands with Kawerau now. We encourage the Maori Party to do likewise”.


For further information please contact Te Ringahuia Hata on 021 236 0931