Asset sales to subsidise rich farmers

Posted on November 10, 2011 by admin in John Minto, Press Releases

Selling our assets for irrigation subsidies to the Dairy industry adds insult to injury

MANA’s economic justice spokesperson John Minto says the dairy industry should pay for their own irrigation and not flog off New Zealanders assets to subsidize their building.

“Why are we seriously considering selling our assets off to give National’s friends in the Dairy Industry a subsidized irrigation program?

“Our Assets are for all New Zealanders, they are not to sell off and use the proceeds for more environmentally damaging water consumption that also creates pollution.”

Mr Minto says this is a rort, pure and simple and New Zealanders should be aware of it as they go to vote this year.

For Further Information:

  • John Minto 021447067
  • Reference: