Media Advisory: Te Hāmua and MANA to launch campaign for IIkaroa-Rāwhiti seat

Posted on May 21, 2014 by admin in Press Releases, Te Hamua Nikora

Te Hāmua Nikora will be launching his campaign to contest the Ikaroa-Rāwhiti seat for MANA in the upcoming election at a Hutt Valley hui tomorrow night.

When: 6:30-8:00pm, Thursday 22 May
Where: Te Tatau o te Po Marae, 437 Hutt Road, Lower Hutt
Programme: mihi whakatau followed by speakers Hone Harawira and Te Hamua Nikora

“We’re fully geared up and ready to go” says Te Hāmua Nikora, “We’re in it to win it!”

“MANA’s priorities are our kids, creating jobs for all who need them, and getting whanau into decent housing. We’ve got a very clear and simple focus to make real progress on what matters most to whanau in Ikaroa-Rāwhiti” says Mr Nikora.

“Te Hāmua did a massive job in the by-election last year and has spent the last year being a staunch advocate for those battling agencies like ACC and to have our local shops rid of the evil of synthetic cannabis” said MANA Leader, Hone Harawira.

“I don’t know of many candidates whose efforts have helped change the law before they’ve even got to Parliament!

All media welcome.


For further information please contact Tuta Ngarimu, (027) 498-1051.