Mana 2012 AGM – Building a Movement for Peace & Justice

Posted on March 8, 2012 by admin in Events, Hone Harawira, Hui, Press Releases
The Mana Movement will hold its 2012 AGM this 24-25 March in Mataikotare Marae, Rotorua. Leader of Mana, MP Hone Harawira will open the hui followed by Interim President, Annette Sykes.
The 2-day event seeks to inspire, inform and involve members from around Aotearoa and includes speakers such as Dayle Takitimu, Professor Jane Kelsey, Moana Jackson and Susan St John.
The MANA Executive has asked that each Rohe confirm at least 20 attendees by next Wednesday (14th March), especially Rohe and Branch Officers.
  • COST $40 (includes food and accommodation)
Please pass this panui to other members who may in interested in attending.
  • Please note that any remits regarding changes to the constitution approved by Rohe need to be circulated 2 weeks ahead so need to be emailed to the Party Secretary by this Sunday (11th March) at the latest.

Key Documents


DAY ONE – Kaupapa – SATURDAY 24 MARCH MORNING Powhiri Mataikotare Marae

  • Opening Address Hone Harawira MP, Leader of MANA Movement
  • Introduction of Guest Speakers Annette Sykes, Interim President of MANA Movement

Guest Speakers LUNCH

“Building a Movement For Peace and Justice”

  1. Dayle Takitimu
  2. Professor Jane Kelsey
  3. Moana Jackson
  4. Susan St John

NO Deep Sea Mining and Stop Fracking The Implications of TPPA
Constitutional Transformation Working Party Continuing Attack on the Welfare State


Workshops Outline

  • Workshops 1, 2 ,3 are compulsory for all Branch and Rohe Executives
  • Workshops 4, 5 and 6 are optional for all members
  • All workshops are on a rotation of 1 hour each
  • All presenters have been advised to undertake presentations of 45 minutes with 15 minutes of feedback time

Rotating Workshops (ALL RUNNING AT 1pm, 2pm and 3.30pm)

  • Branches: Setting up, operating and building the MANA Movement on the ground Hilda Harawira and Gerard Hehir
  • Financial Accountability & Reporting Processes Rob Saunders
  • Data Base Maintenance & Communications Alan Armstrong


  • Building a movement; an exercise in Decolonisation Mereana Pittman and Moana Jackson
  • Funding/merchandising (TBC)
  • Rangatahi Forum (TBC)

DAY TWO 9am 10am-11:30am SUNDAY 25 MARCH

Evaluation & Feedback from workshops MANA Annual General Meeting