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16 Kamahi Place, Pukehangi,, Rotorua, New Zealand

As you may be aware, a Candidate Nomination Application was submitted to the Mana National Executive for Annette Sykes to stand as the Mana Waiariki Candidate on Friday, 2 September 2011.

At a Mana Wairiki Hui held in Kawerau on Tuesday, 13 September it was resolved – in the absence of a need for a conventional contested selection process – to hold a single hui to endorse Annette’s candidacy. At the Mana Rotorua hui held on 15 September those present supported the Mana Waiariki decision to hold an endorsement hui.

Therefore, the endorsement hui will be held on:

Thursday, 22 September at 5.30pm. The hui will be held at:

Linton Park Community Centre
16 Kamahi Place

General Seat Candidate Selection Hui

At the Mana Rotorua hui held on 15 September it was proposed and resolved by those present that we have the one General Candidate Selection Hui this Thusday too for all those people who submitted applications for General Seats. Since that hui, I have been reminded that we need to give 7 days notice to all members and candidates after the closing date which was only Friday, 16 September 2011. Therefore, it is my understanding that we will not be able to have our General Candidate Selection Hui at this meeting.

Please spread the word to all our members and any other interested parties who do not have email.


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