A message from Hone…

A message from Hone…

Posted on June 24, 2011 by MANA in Korero

Kia ora everyone

At 4.15pm, our party secretary received an email which said in part “Dear Raewyn, The Electoral Commission has today determined that the Mana party be registered in accordance with section 67 of the Electoral Act 1993. Mana has now been entered into the Register of Political Parties and the website is in the process of being updated …”

That means when I win tomorrow, I will go back into parliament as a party leader, with the same responsibilities and privileges of other party leaders in respect of management of parliamentary affairs, and the legislative programme.

Kelvin will be in parliament, but he will still be just a backbench MP in the opposition with no responsibilities, no privileges and no authorities.

A vote for Hone is a vote for a positive future for the Tai Tokerau

Hone Harawira

Leader MANA