Taupo – Keriana Reedy

Taupo – Keriana Reedy

Posted on October 16, 2011 by MANA in Mana Candidate Profiles

Keriana Reedy

Keriana Reedy could be nicknamed the “newbie in the NZ political arena”. However her life experiences, honesty and moral principles certainly outweigh even the most seasoned, self-proclaimed and self professed “politician for the people”.

Keriana is of Tuwharetoa, Rongomaiwahine and Ngati Kahungunu descent. And has been married to her Ngati Porou/Nga Puhi sweetheart Aidan McClutchie Reedy for 19 years, they have 4 gorgeous sons. She was born and raised in Invercargill then moved to Bridge Pa Hastings in her teens and has a very strong connection with her mother’s whanau in the Mahia Peninsula. She currently resides in Murupara.

An Alumni of Church College, Hamilton, where she attended in the late 80’s, Keriana was not only taught academics but more importantly she learnt spiritual principles and morals that she lives by today. As Keriana state:

That’s what attracted me to Mana, once I read the policies I knew in an instant that finally here is a political movement that targets the core of our society – and that is the home, to allow families the freedom and rights of self determination, that empowers the people that have been trodden on by our Government”

Keriana is no stranger to politics as she was an elected member of the Murupara Community Board for the Whakatane District Council 2007-2010. Where she was part of the community fight against the Whakatane District Council to keep the Murupara Council office open.

She is a current extramural student of Massey University where she has achieved papers in law, accounting, IT and macroeconomics and is working towards a Bachelors of Accountancy. Keriana is currently employed with a local Iwi, she is familiar with Iwi politics and the relationships that Iwi have with the Crown. She has been a Housing Coordinator that delivered the Housing New Zealand Rural Housing Program, so knows firsthand how some elderly and low income families are living and the sub-standard housing conditions they are faced with. She is also a staunch advocate for Employment Rights and is sick of the way some employers can get away with treating their employees unfairly.

So while Keriana may appear to be a “newbie to NZ politics” she is a person that has dedicated her life to those that can’t speak up for themselves. She may not yet have the political experience like many others in the MANA Movement but she is well aware of what is right and fair for all New Zealanders.