Posted on August 4, 2014 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases“If there’s any truth to what I have seen today, then somebody’s head should roll” said MANA leader and Tai Tokerau MP Hone Harawira when told of emails suggesting Kelvin Davis’ campaign team in Tai Tokerau was planning to launch an attack campaign against him with money solicited from National.
“Changing the government is going to be tough enough – it’ll be bloody impossible if Labour does dirty deals with National” said Harawira.
“National has been directly responsible for driving up unemployment, homelessness, ill health, and poverty for Maori right across the north” said Harawira. “I’m trying to get rid of them and Kelvin Davis and his crew are doing deals with them!”
“I’m gutted, and Maori in Tai Tokerau will be seriously troubled that Davis and his mates are cozying up to the people who have caused so much damage to our communities”
“And don’t buy this rubbish about me having more money because of Kim Dotcom either” said Harawira. “You’re only allowed to spend $25,000 anyway and I’d already banked mine before MANA signed its deal with the Internet Party”
“Where does this go now?”
“As a matter of principle, Davis should either admit that he knew what was going on here and resign, or state categorically that he didn’t and sack his campaign team”
“Either way, he owes the people of the north an apology”
nothing new says:
Post Author August 6, 2014 at 9:58 amthey been putting different heads on the same animal since the 70′s
these very wealthy men seem to be above the law & in my opinion
are all guilty of treason against the people of New Zealand,from
whatever culture, & I wouldn’t know the half of it
Brian John Evans says:
Post Author August 9, 2014 at 8:03 am
This is my site which fits on a mobile nicely as well as a desktop and shows up John Key who mates up with Obama in a similargirlie way to tony Blair and George W Bush. World War 3 looms in the present set up of all the rich guys wanting to crush Russia’s Putin
So Kia kaha from me “The Talkback Terrorist of New Zealand “- banned on all talkback radio . and UP all the selfish rich and their lying media ie UP BIG BROTHER! is what is doing 24/7 Kim Dotcom likes it!
Brian John Evans
Tony Williams says:
Post Author August 19, 2014 at 8:04 pmThat bloody kelvin Davis is an idiot and he’s made more enemies than friends his focus should be getting john key and his clowns out.
And as for that greasy scumbag blogger I would love to shove my fist down his throat slimed bastard ( ah ,i wanted to vent my frustration somewhere and yes I did post my feelings on whale oil )