Immigation and Kim Dotcom – Harawira
Posted on July 25, 2014 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press Releases“I just got a call from National Business Review reporter, asking whether there was any contradiction between my thoughts on immigration in 2009 and now, particularly given MANA’s newly minted relationship with Kim Dotcom” said MANA leader and Tai Tokerau MP, Hone Harawira.”
“In 2009, I am quoted as saying …We should give due recognition to the importance of kaupapa Maori to immigration. For example, there is a policy whereby an immigrant can come in, put down two million dollars and he’s in, basically. You know? No tests, no arrangements, just drop the bucks. We have to get away from that so that our future is based on kaupapa – it’s like principles…”
“Well, in 2014, my views haven’t changed on millionaire immigrants at all” said Harawira.”
“Unfortunately though, government’s rules haven’t changed much either. They still let anyone with a lot of money into the country without any regard to kaupapa Maori.”
“But thanks to MANA, Kim Dotcom has gone through a completely different process.”
“He’s endured a lengthy and harrowing initiation with myself and other very kaupapa-minded Maori activists. He’s been grilled by people noted for their undying commitment to social justice, and he’s attended and addressed the AGM of the MANA Movement, the country’s most progressive political force.”
“He also began a national tour at Te Rerenga Wairua (where the Maori Land March and the Foreshore and Seabed March began). He’s spoken to local hapu and iwi at Potahi marae in Te Kao, Kohewhata marae in Kaikohe, Te Whare Runanga in Waitangi, and Terenga Paraoa marae in Whangarei. He’s spoken to predominantly Maori audiences in Kaitaia, Kaikohe, Kerikeri, Whangarei, North Shore and Kelston.”
“And he’s on the same demanding schedule over the next five weeks right across the country.”
“It seems to me that the process that Kim Dotcom is still going through four months after first engaging with MANA, is the process that every millionaire immigrant should go through when they come here.”
“Perhaps the NBR might want to recommend the MANA Immigration Policy for Millionaires for other parties to adopt.”
Heremaia says:
Post Author July 25, 2014 at 11:54 amWelcome to Aotearoa Mr Dot Com Other Millionairs come with a hidden agenda they to will pay dearly. They are about to taste the drink of poison they have long enjoyed tipping down the throats of the weak, the poor, the disadvantage.
Or the alternative they are going to high tail out of town. The choice is theirs. It don’t matter which one they choose.
Ever heard this saying some where. “YES FREE AT LAST”. Have you ever heard of anyone being “JAILED FOR 24 YEARS” for the freedom of his people. “A LITTLE OLD LADY” left the comfort of her Zone to feed 300 million of her people .
Why should there be any contradictions to the korero of yesterday to this day. The program is still the same “FREEDOM” . to enjoy time.