Did I hear that correctly? Te Hamua
Posted on June 5, 2013 by admin in Press Releases, Te Hamua Nikora“You’ve got to be kidding” was the reaction of Te Hamua Nikora upon hearing the Minister of Maori Development, Dr Pita Sharples, that it would take 27 years for Maori to achieve pay parity with Pakeha.
“Yesterday was a bad day for the Maori Party after having cast the deciding vote in favour of charter schools that will do nothing for Maori education. Then the Maori Party Co-Leader says that Maori have to wait almost 30 years to be paid the same as Pakeha. For Maori in Ikaroa-Rawhiti the wait will probably be longer. After all, half of all employed Maori in Ikaroa-Rawhiti earn $25k or less”.
“In any other country, the gap between what Maori earn and what Pakeha earn would be labelled racist. What I don’t understand is why the Maori Party are happy to sit there and continue to support an ACT-National Government who are prepared to do nothing about our people being paid peanuts?”
For further information please contact Malcolm Mulholland on 027 765 6380
TeRata Hikairo says:
Post Author June 5, 2013 at 4:20 pmIf we are going to lift our economy out of the doldrums, and compete in the marketplace, we must get past adversarial attitudes and start working together as New Zealanders for the benefit of the nation, and future generations,” he said.
“Jobs, living wages and fair terms and conditions for workers are one of the foundations for Whānau Ora, and are a priority in the Māori Party’s economic, social and cultural development policies,” said Mrs Turia and Dr Sharples.
Pare Manahi Paora says:
Post Author June 5, 2013 at 7:06 pmMaori Party publicly boasts of whanau ora help to our pohara people struggling to live on low wage, yet our people never see it on ground level…they talk loud where’s their proof policy to show our iwi can speak of their help? i see more out in the streets support Mana because Mana speaks for them, we see it on tv and the news not Maori Party yet..