Mana on Maori Party and ACT
Posted on November 15, 2011 by admin in Hone Harawira, Press ReleasesThe Maori Party’s close friend, ACT, is making a comeback after sitting down and having a cup of tea with John Key.
ACT has always held deeply racist views and even though there’s been a change of leader from Rodney Hide to Don Brash, nothing has changed.
In fact after John Banks’ rant on ‘The Nation’ it would seem that under Brash they are returning to the old National dogma of kicking people with brown skin in the guts. And what’s worse is that the Maori Party has said they will work with them in the future.
Here’s what Banks had to say about Maori and Pacific Island youth: “We are all victims of crime. If we continue the bankrupt response of just paying young Polynesian, young Maori men in South Auckland, the dole to sit in front of TV, smoke marijuana, watch pornography and plan more drug offending, more burglaries, then we are going to have them coming through our windows regardless if we live in Epsom or anywhere else in Greater Auckland. We have to deal with the root cause of law and order.”
“How on earth can the Maori Party work with people who think like that” said Mr Harawira.
“ACT puts the boot into Maori and Pasifika and the Maori Party says nothing and just meekly hands them the keys to running the country!”
“It’s a sad day when the Maori Party sacrifices their people’s needs just to get into government with a redneck like John Banks and his ACT buddies.
“MANA have made it abundantly clear that we will not work with a party that hates Maori and Pacific Island people. The Maori Party might be Maori in name, but their ongoing relationship with ACT shows them up for what they are – a party desperate for power at any cost”
- For further comment please contact Hone Harawira on 021 865 372
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